4Sync is a Premium service that provides you with a 60-day free Trial period. In other words, you will have 60 days to get our service fully tested. If you decide not to proceed with the Premium upgrade, your account will be deactivated. However, then you will have 30 more days to get it reactivated or to take out all your data. Keep in mind that to be able to fully use your account and keep all your data safe, you will need to buy Premium. Please note that you can upgrade your account to Premium any time within your 60-day free Trial period.
4Sync Premium offers you:
4Sync allows you to find all your files almost instantly, by using the search option. Simply type the filename you are looking for into the Search field located at the top of your account page, next to 4Sync logo, and hit Enter.
Please note:
Search at 4Sync works only with your own files. It doesn't search for files uploaded by other users.